How to Make a Hurricane Cocktail | TT - London
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By Stephen Thompson

For August’s edition of Cocktails in the City, we’ve created a pared-back version of the Hurricane, more closely resembling the original than many modern twists whilst still incorporating a little bit of our signature originality.


60ml Bumbu Rum 

15ml Passion Fruit Syrup

15ml Vanilla Syrup 

25ml Lemon Juice 

Lime Wheel For Garnish


Prep: 2 Minutes

Make: 30 Seconds

Total: 2 Minutes and 30 Seconds


210 calories



Serves 1


In a Boston glass or shaker, add all the ingredients.

Fill with cubed ice and seal.

Shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds.

Strain into a hurricane glass filled with cubed ice.

Garnish with a fresh lime wheel.

Serve and enjoy.


Mexican Elbow
Hawthorne Strainer
Cubed Ice


The Hurricane is a classic New Orleans rum cocktail and a staple on tiki menus the world over. The cocktail was originally created out of necessity; In post-war America, whisky, by far the most popular spirit at the time, was in short supply, whilst there was an abundance of rum. Spirit suppliers began bundling the two together, forcing bars to take large orders of rum along with their cases of whisky. 

New Orleans bar-owner Pat O’Brien put this cocktail together to use up his surplus of rum and named it after the distinctive glass in which it was served, shaped like a hurricane lamp. The cocktail was a simple passion fruit-based twist on a daiquiri but its unexpected popularity meant it quickly became the star of O’Brien’s menu and one of the most famous drinks to come out of New Orleans. 

Nowadays there are various twists and fresh takes on this classic cocktail but whatever form it takes, the hurricane is always a rum-based drink, with passion fruit, served in a hurricane glass.